“Lifestyle business” hypocrisy

Let’s discuss an ingrained issue that is not often addressed: client growth complacency.

Some MSPs claim they want a ‘lifestyle business’ by sticking with existing customers to grow. Yet, when surveyed, their number one priority is finding new clients (CompTIA, 2024).

MSPs often resort to short-term tactics that are misaligned with their business strategies, leading to losses and unnecessary stress.


1 – Is it cognitive?

In the case of Managing Directors, there may be a dissonance between the outward preference for a lifestyle business and the internal drive or external pressure to pursue growth.

2 – Is it about control?

For some Managing Directors, motivation might be influenced by the need for autonomy (control over the business), competence (feeling effective in their role), and relatedness (connecting with their team and clients).

3 – What to do?

Here are some of the most conventional ways to grow a business. Most of us are familiar with these, the real challenge is to choose which are the ones that align with the company’s goals and values:

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