Encouraging Dialogue and a Healthy Lifestyle

If you have internal or outsourced sales support for your MSP, it can be hard to assess how much value they are delivering.

There are key aspects that every MSP MD or owner should recognise in their sales representatives to maximise positive behaviours, results-oriented attitudes, and revenue generation. Understanding these patterns and where there are gaps will empower you to swiftly achieve your revenue goals.

I will talk about the following:

  • Cultivating the Right Habits
  • Identifying Essential Traits
  • Prioritising Sales Well-being
Many Managing Directors and SaaS company founders find themselves confused by methodologies advocated by “influencers” or outdated approaches that no longer align with modern sales engagement processes.

If, as a Managing Director, you lack the time to engage directly in sales activities, you need to empower your Team Leader or Sales Manager to recruit individuals who are poised to spearhead your company’s growth. 

However, finding the right people isn’t the sole responsibility of an MD; it’s equally vital to develop them.

To foster a sales workforce that operates at its peak, it’s crucial to consider certain characteristics:
You might tell me, “Felix, our salespeople already do that, but we’re still not achieving desired results.”

My response? s the execution aligned with the individual traits commonly found in top salespeople?”

While the learning curve may be steep for new reps, with the right support, they can develop quality leads and close sales. Training them from scratch increases the likelihood of ingraining your organisation’s DNA into their way of working.
Wellness advocate De Martini (2019) stresses the importance of linking every aspect of one’s job with the desired ultimate goals.
Regular one-on-one sessions focused on performance and well-being transform collaboration into a genuine partnership, transcending the traditional employer-employee dynamic.
To find out about my highly effective and affordable sales intensive training packages, give me a call on +44 7479494903
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