Buying triggers with cyber tech products

Founders wanting to increase their conversion rates when selling cyber can discuss their clients’ needs by focusing on their buying triggers.


End users do not care about the technology that protects them; they just want to avoid any breaches.

Here are a few buying triggers I believe MSPs should consider:

1️⃣ Customers want to be trusted by you. A small project or short-term job can pave the way for longer-term contract.

2️⃣ Customers fear being the next company in the news for a breach.

3️⃣ Customers know that their insurance may not be valid if they do not meet basic security requirements.

4️⃣ Regulations, laws, and frameworks are constantly changing, leaving customers with little time to stay updated.

There’s no need to add complexity to the conversations. Just address the right topics with the right stakeholders to have meaningful conversations.


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